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predigest to subject (food) to artificial, partial digestion before eating.
profile a brief or partial biography that describes only the most notable or most important facts. [1/5 definitions]
protectorate a smaller, weaker, or less developed country or territory under the protection and partial control of a larger or stronger one.
rebate to give back as a partial refund or discount. [1/2 definitions]
relapse to suffer a worsening of a disease after partial recovery. [2/4 definitions]
sabbatical leave for teachers and some others, a year or half year of freedom from ordinary duties, granted periodically with full or partial salary.
semi- partial; somewhat. [1/3 definitions]
sleep to be in a state of bodily rest that is characterized by full or partial loss of consciousness and a slowing of bodily functions. [1/9 definitions]
spinal anesthesia partial or complete anesthesia produced by injecting an anesthetic directly into the spinal cord.
spot-check to check or inspect on a partial, usu. random, basis.
spot check an inspection carried out in an occasional, partial, or random fashion.
suck to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips to create a partial vacuum. [2/13 definitions]
suction the force that draws an object or fluid into a partial or complete vacuum. [1/4 definitions]
technocracy a partial or complete application of this theory to government. [1/2 definitions]
toward as partial satisfaction of. [1/6 definitions]
trade-in a used thing accepted as partial payment for a new one, esp. an automobile. [1/4 definitions]
vapor lock a partial or complete interruption of the flow of liquid fuel in an internal combustion engine that is caused by the formation of bubbles of vapor or air in the fuel line.