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interparticle combined form of particle.
ion an electrically charged particle created in a gas, as by an electric discharge. [1/2 definitions]
magneton a unit used to express the magnetic moment of an atomic or subatomic particle.
microplastic (usu. pl.) a tiny piece or particle of plastic.
molecule a single atom or several atoms bound together electromagnetically, forming the smallest particle that possesses all the characteristic physical and chemical properties of an element or compound. [2 definitions]
mote a fine particle of dust; speck.
multiparticle combined form of particle.
muon an unstable subatomic particle with a positive or negative charge, having 207 times the mass of an electron.
nanoparticle a microscopic particle with a size measured in nanometers.
neutrino an elementary, weakly interacting subatomic particle of the lepton family, having little or no mass and a spin of one-half.
neutron an elementary particle having no charge, spin of one-half, and mass approximately equal to a proton, present in the nucleus of all atoms except the common isotope of hydrogen.
-on1 subatomic particle. [1/3 definitions]
periphrastic formed with an auxiliary verb or a particle instead of an inflection, such as "it did ring" rather than "it rang". [1/2 definitions]
photon the fundamental unit of electromagnetic energy with zero mass, no electrical charge, and a spin of one, usu. regarded as an elementary particle.
positron in physics, an elementary particle equal to an electron in mass, spin, and magnitude of charge, but whose charge is positive.
potential energy in physics, the energy of a particle, body, or system that is determined by its position or structure. (Cf. kinetic energy.)
proton an elementary particle of matter in the nucleus of all atoms, having a positive electrical charge.
quantum a discrete and irreducible unit of measurement, such as the spin of an elementary particle. [1/3 definitions]
reaction in physics, the atomic change that occurs when a nucleus is bombarded with a particle, photon, or other nucleus. [1/6 definitions]
spark a fiery or brightly glowing particle thrown off by burning wood. [2/8 definitions]
sparkle a fiery or brightly glowing particle; spark. [1/9 definitions]