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EKG abbreviation of "electrocardiogram," the graphic pattern traced by an electrocardiograph, which shows electrical activity in the heart muscles and which is used to diagnose heart ailments or malfunction.
electrocardiogram the graphic pattern traced by an electrocardiograph, which shows electrical activity in the heart muscles and which is used to diagnose heart ailments or malfunction; EKG; ECG; cardiogram.
electroencephalogram the graphic pattern recorded by an electroencephalograph of electric activity in the brain; EEG.
espalier a trellis or framework on which a vine, shrub, or fruit tree is trained to grow in a flat pattern. [1/3 definitions]
exemplar an ideal that serves as a pattern; archetype. [1/4 definitions]
eyelet an embroidered fabric that has a pattern of small, bound holes; eyelet embroidery. [1/3 definitions]
featherstitch a stitch in embroidery or knitting in which short, alternating branches on either side of a central line form a zigzag pattern. [1/3 definitions]
figure a pictorial pattern. [2/16 definitions]
figured decorated, esp. with a pattern; ornamented. [1/3 definitions]
filigree any intricate, lacy pattern or form. [1/4 definitions]
fingerprint an impression of the skin pattern in the fingertip left on an object that it has touched, esp. one made with ink and used as identification. [1/2 definitions]
flocking fine fibers, such as wool, applied to a smooth surface such as wallpaper or fabric to form a raised pattern; flock. [1/2 definitions]
flowered covered with, decorated with, or having a pattern of flowers.
fluctuate to move in a wavelike pattern; undulate. [1/3 definitions]
fluting a decorative pattern of long, rounded, parallel grooves, as on columns or some glassware. [1/3 definitions]
folkway (often pl.) a pattern of life or mode of thought or action shared by a people as part of their traditional culture.
foot the smallest unit of poetry, consisting of two or three syllables with a certain specified pattern of stresses, such as an iamb or dactyl. [1/10 definitions]
forked having a zigzag pattern, as lightning. [1/2 definitions]
form the style, design, pattern, or method of an artistic work. [1/16 definitions]
fret2 an angular, repeated pattern within a border. [1/3 definitions]
fretwork ornamental openwork composed of interlacing bars in a repeated, geometric pattern.