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employ to provide a job for someone or get services from someone in exchange for payment. [1/2 definitions]
employer a person or organization that employs others, usu. for payment.
employment the condition of having a job for which you receive payment.
endorse to sign as legally required, esp. in order to transfer funds or property, approve the terms or contents of a legal document, or acknowledge receipt of payment. [1/2 definitions]
for hire available for service or use in return for a payment of money.
for rent available to live in or use in exchange for payment.
free requiring no payment in return. [1/20 definitions]
give away to give someone something without asking for payment. [1/2 definitions]
hire to have the use of in return for a payment of money; rent. [1/3 definitions]
honorarium a payment or other reward made to a professional person in recognition of services for which, by tradition, there is no set fee.
insurance a protection against certain accidents that is provided by a company in return for payment of a fee. [1/2 definitions]
layaway a system of payment in which a deposit is made to reserve desired goods, the goods are then paid for over time in installments, and the goods are received by the customer when they are paid for in full. [1/2 definitions]
layaway plan a method of purchasing in which a buyer makes a down payment on an item but does not take possession of it until the entire price has been paid, usu. in subsequent regular installments.
lend to give someone money that must be paid back. Usually there is also a payment of interest. [1/3 definitions]
liability the condition of being responsible for payment under the law. [1/2 definitions]
life insurance insurance that guarantees payment of a specific sum to a named beneficiary upon the death of the insured or to a policyholder who reaches a certain specified age.
mature to be due for payment, as a note or bond. [1/9 definitions]
money order an order for the payment of a specific sum of money that is issued for a fee atone bank, post office, or telegraph office, and is payable to another.
nonpayment combined form of payment.
on consignment of goods, sent to a selling agent, with payment to be made after the goods are sold.
overpayment combined form of payment.