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magistrate a public official who exercises a judicial or executive function, such as a mayor or justice of the peace.
Massasoit chief of the Wampanoag Indian tribe of North America in the early 17th century who negotiated a peace treaty in 1621 with English colonists who had settled at Plymouth Rock; born Ousamequin (b.1580?--d.1661).
millennium a period of peace, justice, harmony, and joy that is wished for or expected to come at some time in the future. [1/3 definitions]
Nelson Mandela South African statesman, anti-apartheid activist, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, who was held as a political prisoner for 27 years and became the first democratically elected and first black President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 (b. 1918).
nirvana (often cap.) in Buddhism or Hinduism, a state of blissful peace and harmony beyond the sufferings and passions of individual existence; state of oneness with eternal spirit. [2 definitions]
Nobel prize any of the international prizes awarded annually for achievements in physics, chemistry, economics, medicine or physiology, literature, and the promotion of peace, by a Swedish foundation established according to the bequest of Alfred Nobel.
olive branch the branch of an olive tree as a token of peace, or any peace offering.
order adherence to the rules and laws of a society; social or civil peace. [1/17 definitions]
pacificate to make peace with; appease; pacify.
pacify to calm or restore peace of mind to. [1/2 definitions]
Pax in Roman mythology, the goddess of peace; Irene.
pax vobiscum (Latin) peace be with you.
peacebuilding actions that promote peace between nations by supporting conditions that underlie peaceful social relations. Peacebuilding includes rebuilding the material and social institutions that are undermined or destroyed by violent conflict. Peacebuilding efforts offer non-violent alternatives for communication and conflict resolution.
peace conference a meeting held to seek an end to a war or to find a way to a lasting peace.
peacekeeping the enforcement of a truce or peace between nations, esp. by an international authority such as the United Nations. [2 definitions]
peacemaker a person, group, or nation that tries to make peace between adversaries.
peace pipe a ceremonial pipe for all to smoke during an American Indian peace conference; calumet.
quiet to cause to become calm; restore peace to. [1/14 definitions]
repose1 peace or tranquility; calm. [1/7 definitions]
requiescat in pace (Latin) may he or she rest in peace (used as a wish or prayer for the dead).
R.I.P. abbreviation of "requiescat in pace" (Latin); may he, or she, rest in peace.