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Dictionary Suite
pulse1 the periodic throbbing of arteries that results from the beating of the heart, esp. as felt in the wrist or neck. [2/5 definitions]
pulse modulation the formation of a periodic carrier wave by a sequence of short pulses, as used in radar. [1/2 definitions]
rent1 a periodic payment made by a tenant to an owner of property for the right to occupy or use that property. [1/5 definitions]
revolve to recur at periodic intervals. [1/6 definitions]
rhythmical recurring at regular intervals; periodic. [1/3 definitions]
rut2 the periodic condition of sexual arousal in certain male animals, such as deer, during which they seek to mate. [2 definitions]
Sabbatical (l.c.) used or intended as a period of rest, as a periodic leave of absence. [1/3 definitions]
sine wave a smooth, periodic oscillation that is the graphical representation of a sine function.
stipend any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance.
tide the periodic change, occurring about every twelve hours, in the height of the surface of oceans and nearby bodies of water, or a specific instance of this change. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. [1/6 definitions]
wave the form that energy takes when traveling, characterized by periodic oscillation. Energy in the form of heat, light, or sound, for example, travels in the form of waves. Characteristics of such waves include period, frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. [1/14 definitions]