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charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal; marked by charisma. [1/3 definitions]
charm to influence by personal attractiveness or pleasing manners. [1/11 definitions]
chattel mortgage a mortgage on personal property, esp. movable property.
chemist (chiefly British) a shop where medicines are sold by prescription, as well as other articles for health, beauty, and personal cleansing; drugstore. [1/3 definitions]
cisgender of, pertaining to, or being a person whose personal gender identity corresponds with the sex that this person was born with or was assigned at the time of birth.
concept a personal or generally-held way of conceiving something; idea; notion. [1/2 definitions]
consumer electronics electronic devices intended for personal use.
convenience an improvement in comfort or personal advantage. [1/4 definitions]
desktop in computing, a graphical interface on personal computers that represents the user's working space as icons on a background that covers the screen, or the folder whose contents are thus represented. [1/4 definitions]
detached free from bias, prejudice, or personal involvement. [1/2 definitions]
diary (chiefly British) a book with spaces to record appointments, personal notes, or reminders; appointment book. [1/3 definitions]
ditty bag a small bag, used esp. by sailors, for personal articles, sewing implements, or the like.
duffel bag a large cylindrical canvas bag used to carry clothing and personal items.
dunnage baggage or personal belongings. [1/2 definitions]
economic relating to personal financial matters. [1/3 definitions]
economically as pertains to one's personal finances. [1/2 definitions]
empathy the attribution of one's personal feelings or attitudes to an external object. [1/2 definitions]
end user the user for whom a personal computing device or application is ultimately designed, particularly as distinct from one who designs, programs, manufactures, or sells the end product.
equerry an officer in personal service to a member of the British royal family. [1/2 definitions]
exposé the public exposure or revelation of something negative, such as personal secrets or illegal activities.
fastidious excessively sensitive or delicate in matters of food, manners, dress, or personal hygiene. [1/2 definitions]