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film to photograph with a movie camera or other video recording device. [1/11 definitions]
finder a device attached to a camera through which one can look to see what will be included in the photograph; viewfinder. [1/2 definitions]
fine-grained having little or no visible grain, as a photograph. [1/2 definitions]
flashbulb an electric bulb that gives a brief flash of very bright light when ignited, used to illuminate a subject while a photograph is taken.
freeze frame a technique in which a single frame of film is repeated a number of times to create the illusion that the action has been stopped or frozen, as to resemble a still photograph.
halation a blurred halo of light spreading around a bright area or object on a photograph or televised image.
halftone a technique for printing shading in which an image, such as a photograph or cartoon, is transformed into a complex of tiny dots by photographing it through a fine screen and transferring this dot image to the printing plate. [1/4 definitions]
heighten to cause the patterns or features of (something) to become clearer, as in a visual image such as a photograph. [1/5 definitions]
highlight to provide (a painting, photograph, or the like) with an esp. bright area. [2/6 definitions]
hologram a three-dimensional photograph produced by a laser beam reflected off an object onto film.
image a visual representation of something such as can be seen in a photograph, sculpture, or painting. [1/10 definitions]
inscribe to write one's name or a short comment or dedication in or on (a book, photograph, or the like given as a present). [1/5 definitions]
lighting the way light appears in relation to objects, esp. in a painting or photograph. [1/3 definitions]
micrograph a drawing or photograph of something as it is seen through a microscope. [1/2 definitions]
microphotograph a very small photograph that must be enlarged to be seen in detail. [2/3 definitions]
montage the technique of juxtaposing or superimposing images in a photograph or on motion picture film. [1/3 definitions]
myelogram an x-ray photograph of the spinal cord that is taken after a radiopaque substance has been administered.
paparazzo a reporter or photographer, often free-lance, who aggressively seeks out celebrities in order to photograph them or write sensational articles about them for the popular media.
photo (informal) a photograph.
photograph to take a photograph of. [1/4 definitions]
photographic resembling a photograph in realistic and accurate detail, or in preserving an accurate image. [1/3 definitions]