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benumb to render numb or without physical sensation, esp. by cold. [1/2 definitions]
bibliophile a lover or collector of books, esp. for the fine or rare physical qualities of their paper, printing, binding, or the like.
block in sports, an act of physical obstruction of another player, esp. in football. [1/19 definitions]
blood pressure the pressure of the blood against the inner wall of blood vessels, esp. the arteries or the heart, as exerted by the contractions of the heart muscles, often measured as an indicator of physical health.
bodily as a physical thing or person. [1/2 definitions]
body the physical substance and form of a person or animal, including limbs, organs, tissue, and all other parts. [1/7 definitions]
Boy Scout a male member of a large youth organization that teaches outdoor skills, physical fitness, and the value and responsibilities of citizenship.
Boy Scouts of America an American organization for youth that teaches outdoor skills, physical fitness, and the value and responsibilities of citizenship.
brainwash to alter a person's ideas or beliefs by forceful means such as physical torture or psychological stress. [1/4 definitions]
breakdown a physical, emotional, or mental collapse. [1/3 definitions]
breaking point a person's mental, emotional, or physical threshold. [1/3 definitions]
break into to suddenly begin to display (evidence of an emotional or physical reaction). [1/6 definitions]
break loose to break the physical bonds of something and become free. [1/2 definitions]
breed a group of animals within one species, having relatively unvaried physical characteristics, developed under controlled conditions by man. [1/9 definitions]
brick-and-mortar pertaining to a business that operates out of a physical location as opposed to providing online products and services.
broiling causing the physical sensation of extreme heat.
bruise to have or develop a physical bruise. [1/4 definitions]
build of a person, physical structure; physique; figure. [1/8 definitions]
capable having the mental or physical ability to accomplish a particular thing (usually followed by "of"). [1/3 definitions]
caretaker an employee responsible for the physical maintenance of property, such as a building or grounds. [1/2 definitions]
casual informal and suited to physical or emotional comfort. [1/6 definitions]