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pine straw the dried fallen needles of a pine tree.
pine tar a thick, blackish brown liquid obtained from the airless decomposition of pine wood, used in roofing compounds, paints, disinfectants, and expectorants.
pine warbler a small, yellow and greenish songbird found esp. in pine woods of the eastern United States.
piņon any of several pine trees that produce edible seeds, native to the Southwestern United States and Mexico.
piny characterized by or containing many pine trees. [2 definitions]
pitch2 any of a number of naturally occurring substances similar to this, such as asphalt or pine resin. [1/3 definitions]
pitch pine any of various pine trees cultivated as a source of pitch or turpentine.
ponderosa pine a tall yellow pine of western North America. [1/2 definitions]
pulpwood soft timber, such as spruce or pine, that is used to make pulp for paper.
repine to have a restless yearning for something; pine. [1/2 definitions]
retsina a Greek wine with pine resin added to it.
rosin a translucent, yellow-brown, brittle residue of the distillation of turpentine from pine sap, used as a friction-increasing agent, as on the bows of certain stringed instruments, and in manufacturing varnish, inks, and soap. [1/3 definitions]
Scotch pine a hardy pine, native to Europe and Asia, that is grown for lumber and as a Christmas tree.
sugar pine a tall pine tree of the northwestern United States, having sugarlike resin, large cones, and soft, reddish brown wood used for timber.
tamarack any of several deciduous North American pine trees, esp. one that grows in northern regions and is usu. found in swamps; larch. [1/2 definitions]
white pine a pine of eastern North America that has needles in bundles of five and soft, light wood. [1/2 definitions]