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passed ball in baseball, a pitch that a catcher should be able to catch, but does not, thus allowing any baserunner to advance. (Cf. wild pitch.)
pedal steel an electrified steel guitar mounted on legs and equipped with pedals that provide added modulations of pitch.
perfect pitch the ability to sing or recognize the pitch of any musical tone heard; absolute pitch.
piccolo a small flute with a pitch that is an octave higher than that of the standard flute.
pitch1 a quality of a sound or musical note that depends upon the rate at which the sound wave induces vibrations. The relative low or high quality of a note or sound is its pitch. [1/23 definitions]
pitch2 to pave, seal, or cover with pitch. [1/3 definitions]
pitch pine any of various pine trees cultivated as a source of pitch or turpentine.
pitch pipe a small musical pipe or pipes with invariable pitch, used as a tuning standard by singers and other musicians.
pitchstone a glassy rock of volcanic origin having the appearance of lustrous pitch.
pitchy full of or smeared with pitch. [2 definitions]
portamento in music, a smooth sliding from one pitch to another, esp. with the voice, a violin, or the like.
screwball a baseball pitch that curves toward the side of the plate corresponding to the arm used to pitch it, opposite the motion of a normal curve ball. [1/3 definitions]
sharp in music, half a step higher in pitch. (Cf. flat1.) [2/16 definitions]
slider in baseball, a fast pitch that changes direction slightly as it nears the batter. [1/2 definitions]
sopranino of or denoting a musical instrument that has a higher pitch than the soprano of its type. [1/2 definitions]
sour of musical tones, harshly off pitch. [1/10 definitions]
spitball an illegal pitch in baseball in which the pitcher causes the ball to curve or spin by rubbing it with saliva. [1/2 definitions]
strike zone in baseball, the area above home plate, specifically between the batter's shoulders and knees, through which the pitch must pass to be ruled a strike.
tabla a pair of different-sized, small drums that are joined together, used esp. in the music of India. The pitch of these drums can be varied.
tam-tam a large metal gong of indefinite pitch, struck with a soft-headed hammer or stick.
tessitura the general range or pitch of an instrumental or vocal part in a musical composition.