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dildo an object made of rubber, plastic, or the like to simulate an erect penis.
doll a small figure usually made of plastic, wood, or cloth that resembles a baby, child, or other person, used esp. as a child's toy. [1/4 definitions]
drumbone a musical instrument requiring two or three players that is made of joined sections of plastic pipe, two of which slide to alter the pitch of sounds made by beating on the pipe with drumsticks. The drumbone was introduced by the Blue Man Group.
ductile easily shaped; plastic. [1/3 definitions]
earplug a rubber or plastic plug that fits into the ear opening to deaden sound or keep out water.
electrotype a copy or facsimile made by electroplating a mold, in wax, lead, or plastic, of an original plate, and used esp. in printing. [1/3 definitions]
eyeglass (pl.) two glass or plastic lenses in a frame that has a bridge resting on the nose and extensions hooked around the ears, used to correct defective vision; glasses; spectacles. [1/4 definitions]
fiber optics a method of transmitting light through fine transparent flexible strands, usu. of glass or plastic.
fishbowl a clear glass or plastic bowl or other small container designed to hold pet fish. [1/2 definitions]
flip-flop a sandal held on the foot by a narrow leather, rubber, or plastic strap that passes between the first and second toes; thong. [1/7 definitions]
float a piece of cork or a hollow plastic or glass object used to support a net or fishing line. [1/14 definitions]
floppy in computers, a flexible plastic disk having a magnetic surface used to store data; floppy disk. [1/2 definitions]
floppy disk a thin flexible plastic disk with a magnetic coating, on which computer information can be stored; diskette; floppy.
fluorocarbon any of various organic chemical compounds resulting from the substitution of fluorine for hydrogen in a hydrocarbon, used in refrigeration, lubrication, plastic and resin manufacture, as a fire extinguisher, and formerly as the propellant in aerosol cans.
Formica trademark for a heat-resistant and chemical-resistant covering of thermosetting plastic, esp. used on tables and counter tops.
friction tape a sturdy cloth or plastic adhesive tape that is moisture-resistant and is used esp. to insulate electrical wires.
Frisbee trademark for a thin, saucer-shaped plastic disc that is thrown and sails through the air in simple outdoor games.
Great Pacific Garbage Patch a vast accummulation of debris made up primarily of tiny plastic particles floating in the upper column of water in the north central region of the Pacific Ocean.
grommet a plastic or metal eyelet reinforcing a hole through which a fastener, lace, or the like may be passed. [1/3 definitions]
hanger a frame with a hook at the top, usu. made of wire, wood, or plastic, and shaped so that one may hang clothes over it for storage. [1/3 definitions]
hard hat a protective helmet, made of metal or hard, impact-resistant plastic, worn by construction workers, miners, and the like.