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hard hat a protective helmet, made of metal or hard, impact-resistant plastic, worn by construction workers, miners, and the like.
heteroplasty plastic surgery that uses grafts of tissue from another individual or species.
high-tech a style of design, esp. interior design, or a type of material that suggests modern industry by being metallic or plastic, having simple utilitarian lines, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
hook a curved or angled piece of metal, plastic, or the like that is used for holding, hanging, securing, or pulling things. [1/18 definitions]
hoop a large ring of wood, plastic, or metal, such as that used as a child's toy or for an animal to jump through. [1/7 definitions]
hose a flexible tube of rubber or plastic through which liquids are conveyed. [1/3 definitions]
intrauterine device a small plastic or stainless steel coil or similar object inserted into the uterus to prevent conception; IUD.
IUD abbreviation of "intrauterine device," a small plastic or stainless steel coil or similar object inserted into the uterus to prevent conception
job (informal) an operation using plastic surgery, done for the purpose of enhancing appearance. [1/11 definitions]
jug a fairly large, usu. earthenware, glass, or plastic container for liquid that has a handle and a narrow neck often closed by a stopper. [1/6 definitions]
kite a toy consisting of a light frame covered with paper, plastic, or cloth to be flown in the air at the end of a long string. [1/5 definitions]
knitting needle a long slender rod of plastic, metal, or the like for hand-knitting that is tapered at one or both ends and usu. used in pairs.
laminated covered by or coated with a thin outer layer, as of plastic. [1/2 definitions]
latex any emulsion in water of synthetic rubber or plastic globules, used in various products, or the paint made with such an emulsion. [1/2 definitions]
Lippes loop a plastic, double S-shaped contraceptive device that is inserted into the uterus.
Lucite trademark for a clear plastic used esp. as a glass substitute.
magnetic tape a plastic tape coated with magnetic iron oxide, used to store recorded material.
microplastic (usu. pl.) a tiny piece or particle of plastic.
muddler a small stick, usu. plastic, used to stir mixed drinks; swizzle stick. [1/2 definitions]
necklace jewelry worn around the neck, usu. consisting of beads or pieces of gems, metals, leather, wood, plastic, or the like strung on string, wire, or a leather thong.
nonplastic combined form of plastic.