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Dictionary Suite
lawn1 a stretch or plot of ground planted with grass or other low-growing ground covers and usu. mowed short.
machinate to invent, plot, scheme, or devise artfully, esp. with malicious intent.
novel1 a relatively long work of prose fiction, usu. having a plot and characters.
plat1 a plot of ground. [3 definitions]
quadrat a plot of land, often a square meter, that is used by ecologists to study plant and animal life. [1/2 definitions]
sand (usu. pl.) a beach or other plot of land covered by sand. [1/7 definitions]
scheme a devious plan; plot. [2/5 definitions]
seedbed a plot of land prepared for planting seeds. [1/2 definitions]
story1 the plot of a dramatic or literary work. [1/7 definitions]
story line the plot or scheme of a story, play, show, or the like.
subplot a minor or secondary plot in a work of fiction.