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primary in U.S. politics, a preliminary election in which members of each party vote for candidates to represent the party in the general election. [1/7 definitions]
realpolitik (sometimes cap.) politics or national policy governed by principles of power, expansion, and expediency rather than by ideals or ethics.
result the outcome of a race such as in sports or politics. [1/6 definitions]
spoil (pl.) material goods or other benefits gained by victory, as in warfare or politics. [1/5 definitions]
spoiler in sports or politics, a person, group, or team that, although unable to win an ultimate victory, can spoil others' chances of winning. [1/3 definitions]
straight ticket in U.S. politics, a ballot on which a voter has voted for candidates of only one party. (Cf. split ticket.)
theorist one who studies and produces theories, esp. in science, politics, government, or the like.
troubleshooter one who has a talent for resolving disputes, improving weak organizations, or the like, esp. in business and politics. [1/2 definitions]
ultra someone who holds extreme views, esp. in politics; extremist. [1/2 definitions]
underdog a contestant who is expected to lose, as in sports or politics. [1/2 definitions]