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dye a liquid used to impart color, as to fabrics, or the substance, usu. a powder, from which the liquid is made. [1/5 definitions]
efflorescence the chemical change of a substance to a powder, salt crystals, or the like because of exposure to the air. [1/5 definitions]
emery a powder made from a hard mineral. It is used for grinding and polishing.
eosin a red crystalline powder, used in staining tissues for microscopic viewing, in coloring gasoline, and in ink manufacturing.
flintlock a part of an old-fashioned gun no longer in use. This part makes a spark that sets the powder inside on fire. [1/2 definitions]
flour the fine, ground meal or powder of wheat or other grain. Flour is used to make bread, pasta, and other foods. [1/2 definitions]
friable easy to crumble, break, or reduce to powder; crumbly, as certain rocks.
fuller's earth a very absorbent clay used esp. in fulling woolen cloth and also as a filter, dusting powder, catalyst, and the like.
fulminate one of several unstable explosive compounds, esp. the mercury salt of fulminic acid, used as a detonating powder. [1/4 definitions]
garlic a part of this plant, or a powder prepared from it, esp. as used for cooking. [1/2 definitions]
gold dust gold in the form of fine particles or a powder.
grate2 to rub or scrape against an abradant surface in order to reduce to a powder or shreds. [1/5 definitions]
grind to crush into very small pieces or a powder. [1/2 definitions]
gunpowder a black powder that explodes when touched with fire. Gunpowder is used in firing guns.
halazone a white crystalline chlorine powder, usu. in tablet form, used to purify small amounts of drinking water.
hexachlorophene a white, nearly odorless powder used in medicine and cosmetics to inhibit or eliminate bacteria.
hot chocolate a beverage made of hot milk, sugar, and cocoa powder; cocoa.
leavening an agent such as yeast or baking powder that causes the formation of carbon dioxide gas in batter or dough, causing it to expand and rise. [1/2 definitions]
lime1 a white powder made of calcium oxide. Lime is used in cement, in making steel and paper, and in making some soils better for growing plants.
lithium oxide a very alkaline powder used in making glass and ceramics; lithia.
litmus a powder derived from lichens that turns blue in alkaline solutions and red in acid solutions, used as an indicator.