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automotive moving by power generated internally. [1/2 definitions]
balance of power a sufficient distribution of military or economic power among governments to prevent any one from excessively dominating others. [2 definitions]
band saw a power saw consisting of an endless metal belt, with teeth along one edge, that runs between two pulleys.
battery a device that makes electricity by using chemical reactions. Batteries give power to many things, including cars, toys, and watches.
believe to have great confidence (in the ability, integrity, justness, or power of a person or thing). [1/6 definitions]
big stick political or military power, displayed or implied to intimidate or gain cooperation from potential adversaries, esp. as a foreign policy.
binomial theorem a general formula for expressing any power of a binomial expression without multiplying.
blackout the loss or hiding of all the lights of a city or region. Cities may have blackouts because of power failures. [1/2 definitions]
black power (sometimes caps.) the political and economic power of American blacks mobilized to force the granting of equal rights.
blitz to attack with power and rapidity. [1/4 definitions]
blockbuster a person or thing of great force and overwhelming power. [1/2 definitions]
boiler a sealed container or system of containers that when used with a source of heat generates steam for heat or power. [1/3 definitions]
Bolshevik (often l.c.) a member of the majority faction of the party that seized power in 1917 and formed the Communist party in the Soviet Union. [1/3 definitions]
box office the power of a show or its performers to attract an audience. [1/3 definitions]
brownout a cut or reduction of electrical power in a neighborhood or city.
bullish resembling a bull in size or power. [1/3 definitions]
buzz saw a power-operated circular saw.
by dint of through the power or force of; as a function of.
by heart by the power of memory alone; without the aid of writing or other reminders.
cabin cruiser a power-driven boat with a cabin so equipped that passengers can wash, cook, and sleep on board.
can1 to have the power or right to. [1/4 definitions]