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eloquence powerful, impressive, or persuasive writing or esp. speaking. [1/2 definitions]
energetic executed with energy; effective; powerful. [1/2 definitions]
falcon any of several birds of prey, related to hawks, that hunt during the day and have long powerful wings and a hooked beak.
force of nature a hurricane, an earthquake, or other such powerful natural event, esp. one that is highly destructive, usu. generated by atmospheric or lithospheric conditions. [2/3 definitions]
headlight a powerful light mounted on the front of a vehicle.
heave to swell or bend upward under the pressure of powerful underlying force. [1/11 definitions]
House Rules Committee a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. Often referred to as Rules Committee, its formal name is United States House Committee on Rules.
Hovercraft trademark for a vehicle able to move rapidly across land or water on air that is produced by powerful fans blowing downward from the craft.
hurricane a powerful cyclonic storm that originates in the West Indian region of the Atlantic Ocean or in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near Mexico and Central America. A hurricane is characterized by heavy rains along with winds exceeding 73 miles, or 119 kilometers, per hour.
hydrogen bomb an extremely powerful bomb whose destructive energy comes from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei under intense heat and pressure, forming helium nuclei.
in (informal) powerful or fashionable. [1/12 definitions]
kangaroo any of a group of large plant-eating marsupials of Australia and Tanzania, having powerful hind legs for jumping and a long, heavy tail used for balance.
kickback a sum of money given, typically secretly, to one in a powerful position, usu. as a reward for having used his or her influence to make a business deal possible. [1/2 definitions]
kingfish (informal) a very powerful person, esp. in a legislature or other political group. [1/2 definitions]
kingmaker a person who is powerful enough to select, or influence the selection of, a political candidate or ruler.
klieg light a powerful, bright arc light used esp. to light the sets for motion pictures.
knockdown powerful enough to subdue something by striking it down. [1/6 definitions]
LSD a powerful hallucinogenic drug, sometimes used in medical studies, as of schizophrenia; lysergic acid dimethylamide; LSD-25.
maelstrom an exceptionally turbulent or powerful whirlpool. [1/2 definitions]
magnetic resonance imaging a non-invasive medical imaging technology using radio waves and powerful magnetic fields to make the interior of the human body visible in three dimensions and in real time.(abbrev.: MRI)
Medici a member of a powerful Italian family of the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries that included bankers, statesmen, and art patrons, or the name of the family itself.