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engineering the profession, art, or study of applying scientific and mathematical knowledge to practical ends, such as the design and building of structures, engines, electrical equipment, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
functional having a practical purpose. [1/3 definitions]
get carried away to become excited, agitated, or enthusiastic to the point that one goes too far in one's speech or actions, losing the ability to see logically what is real, practical, or sufficient.
guide (cap.) a member of the Guides, a world-wide organization for girls that teaches practical skills and independence. [1/11 definitions]
Guides a world-wide organization for girls that teaches practical skills and independence (prec. by "the").
hard-nosed tough and practical; hardheaded.
heuristic of, pertaining to, or consisting of education derived from empirical study and practical experience. [1/3 definitions]
horse sense (informal) practical wisdom or thinking; common sense.
hotfoot a practical joke in which a match is secretly placed between the sole and upper of someone's shoe and is lit. [1/3 definitions]
impractical not able or willing to deal with practical matters, as in handling money. [1/2 definitions]
inexpedient not suitable, practical, prudent, or the like; inadvisable.
in principle with regard to theory, aside from practical application.
intern2 an advanced student or recent graduate in a specialized field, esp. medicine, who is serving an apprenticeship in the appropriate practical setting, such as a hospital. [1/2 definitions]
internship an educational or training program providing a period of practical experience, offered esp. by professional groups and corporations. [1/3 definitions]
ivory tower a position that is removed from practical concerns, or an attitude of withdrawal or aloofness.
landscape architecture the art or profession of planning or changing rural or urban land for a desired effect, often both practical and aesthetic.
liberal arts the subjects that make up a college degree program, such as literature, history, and philosophy, that emphasize the development of cultural awareness and critical skills rather than practical training for a career or profession.
literate having practical knowledge or skill within a (specified) area or concerning a (specified) topic. [1/6 definitions]
maven a person with specialized knowledge, often in practical or everyday matters; expert or connoisseur.
moot having no practical significance; completely hypothetical. [2/6 definitions]
nonpractical combined form of practical.