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child care the practice, service, or business of caring for other people's children, esp. young children whose parents work outside the home.
chiromancy the practice of divining a person's character or future from the characteristics of his or her hand; palmistry.
city planning the study or practice of creating plans for the use of land and space in a city, including the development and location of roads, parks, residential and business areas, hospitals, stadiums, and the like.
civil war (cap.)The U.S. war (1861-1865) between the Northern states (Union) and the Southern states (Confederacy), which was caused by a conflict over the governing rights of individual states and the practice of slavery. [1/2 definitions]
collectivism the doctrine or practice of centralized economic control, esp. of the means of production. [2/3 definitions]
colonialism the practice that a country is engaged in when it takes over another country and sets up its own government and colony there. A "colony" is what the country is called that is taken over by the more powerful country. Colonialism serves the purpose of creating wealth and power for the ruling country.
communalism the doctrine or practice of communal ownership of property. [1/2 definitions]
communion a fellowship, esp. one based on a common religious faith and practice. [1/3 definitions]
conjure to practice magic or magicians' tricks. [1/4 definitions]
convention a practice or way of doing something that is accepted by most people; custom. [1/2 definitions]
conventionality something, as an act or practice, that is conventional. [1/3 definitions]
cooping the practice of kidnapping a person and forcing them to vote, often repeatedly, for a particular candidate in an election.
-craft a suffix that means "skill or practice in the use of."
crystal gazing the practice of studying and interpreting images of future events, supposed to appear in a ball of polished glass or crystal.
custom an accepted or traditional practice, either of an individual or a social group. [1/8 definitions]
-cy action; act; practice. [1/3 definitions]
deceit the act or practice of misleading, tricking, or cheating. [1/3 definitions]
dental hygiene the study or practice of this care. [1/2 definitions]
dental hygienist a licensed specialist in preventive dental care, whose practice includes cleaning and x-rays, and who often works in a dentist's office.
desegregate to stop the practice of having separate schools and other facilities for people of different races.
desuetude the state of a thing, practice, or custom that has ceased to be used or followed; disuse.