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shaker (cap.) a member of a seventeenth-century English religious sect that established itself in the United States and practiced simple living and celibacy, now defunct but celebrated for the design of its home crafts. [1/3 definitions]
shamanism any similar religion, such as that practiced by certain American Indians. [1/2 definitions]
tergiversate to change or abandon what one has believed, advocated, or practiced; become a renegade. [1/2 definitions]
trick or treat a tradition practiced by children at Halloween, consisting of calling on neighbors while dressed in a costume and saying the words "trick or treat!" in order to receive a treat such as candy. [1/2 definitions]
witchery the art practiced by a witch; sorcery. [1/2 definitions]
wizardry the magic practiced by a wizard; sorcery. [1/2 definitions]
Zen a type of Buddhism, now practiced in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, that emphasizes individual spiritual enlightenment through meditation. [1/2 definitions]