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Kiddush (Hebrew) a prayer recited over wine and bread on the eve of a Sabbath or a festival.
laud (often cap.; pl. but used with a sing. or pl. verb) the prayer service, after matins, that forms the first of the Christian canonical hours. [1/3 definitions]
litany a formal prayer that alternates between lines spoken by a leader and a response repeated by a congregation. [1/2 definitions]
Lord's Prayer a prayer that begins with the words "Our Father, who art in heaven," taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples.
mantis any of various related predatory insects having two pairs of walking legs and one pair of strong forelegs usu. upraised as if in prayer; praying mantis.
mantra a Hindu sacred formula to be spoken or sung in prayer.
matins (often cap.) in the Anglican Church, the prayer service held in the morning. [1/2 definitions]
minaret a tall, thin tower on a mosque with a balcony from which Muslims are called to prayer.
Miserere a prayer, lament, or appeal for mercy. [1/2 definitions]
missal any prayer book. [1/2 definitions]
muezzin the Muslim religious functionary who calls the faithful to prayer five times a day.
O1 in poetry, prayer, or solemn address, used before the name of the person or thing being spoken to. [1/2 definitions]
oratory2 a small chapel or room for private worship or prayer.
orison a prayer.
Our Father see "Lord's Prayer," "paternoster."
paternoster the Lord's Prayer, esp. when said in Latin. [2 definitions]
prayer book see "Book of Common Prayer." [1/2 definitions]
prayerful characterized by reverence, devotion, or prayer.
priedieu a low stand with a small desk top and a ledge at the bottom on which to kneel in prayer.
Quaker meeting a religious meeting of Quakers, characterized by long periods of meditation and silent prayer.
requiescat in pace (Latin) may he or she rest in peace (used as a wish or prayer for the dead).