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Dictionary Suite
premenstrual of, relating to, or occurring during the time immediately preceding the onset of menstruation.
premolar preceding, and later replaced by, the molar teeth. [1/3 definitions]
prior1 preceding in value or importance. [1/2 definitions]
proximate directly preceding or following in order. [1/3 definitions]
quarterfinal of or designating the round of competitive matches preceding the semifinals of a sports tournament. [1/2 definitions]
rewind to wind again, or to wind back (a cassette tape or the like) to the original position or to a preceding position.
Shrovetide the three days preceding Ash Wednesday.
sonic boom an explosive sound caused by the shock wave preceding an aircraft traveling faster than sound.
toast2 a call on other people to drink in honor of someone or something, or a short verbal salute preceding this call. [1/5 definitions]
vice versa with the order, esp. preceding order, reversed; conversely.
Victoria Day a national holiday in Canada celebrating Queen Victoria's birthday and falling on the first Monday preceding May 25.
yesterday on the day preceding today. [3/5 definitions]