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desktop publishing the creation and preparation of text and graphics for publishing using small computers.
dope (informal) a narcotic or addictive drug or preparation, esp. one used illegally. [1/7 definitions]
dressing a medical preparation used to dress a wound. [1/4 definitions]
dunk to wet in a liquid in preparation for eating. [1/4 definitions]
edit to supervise the preparation of (material) for publication. [1/4 definitions]
extemporaneous capable of or accustomed to performing with little or no preparation or rehearsal. [1/4 definitions]
extempore without plan or preparation; impromptu or improvised. [1/3 definitions]
extemporize to speak without preparation or reference to notes. [2/5 definitions]
fillet a thin, boneless piece of meat that has been rolled up and tied, usu. in preparation for roasting. [1/4 definitions]
gentian the root of one kind of European yellow gentian or a preparation made from it to serve as an aid to digestion. [1/2 definitions]
ginseng the aromatic root of any of several related Asian plants, or a preparation made from it, used for medicinal purposes. [1/2 definitions]
gouache a technique of painting by using a mixture of opaque watercolors and a gum preparation. [1/3 definitions]
gum1 a preparation of such a sticky substance, or an artificial latex for use as a glue. [2/10 definitions]
hairdressing a cosmetic or medicinal preparation applied to the hair in order to make it more manageable. [1/4 definitions]
haute cuisine (French) the preparation of food by elaborate, highly refined methods, esp. by skilled professional chefs.
impromptu thought of, made, or done without plan, preparation, or practice; spontaneous or improvised. [2/3 definitions]
improvisatory created right at the moment, without any previous decision-making or preparation.
improvise to create or provide without preparation or practice, esp. in music, speech, or writing. [1/4 definitions]
improvised created or provided without preparation or practice, esp. in music, speech, or writing. [1/2 definitions]
ipecac the dried roots of such a plant, or a preparation made from them, used as an emetic. [1/2 definitions]
jelly a food jelled by gelatin or pectin, esp. a sweet preparation of concentrated fruit juice that is usu. spread on bread. [1/4 definitions]