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ad lib without preparation; in a spontaneous or improvised manner; ad libitum.
ad-lib to make up or do without preparation; improvise (something spoken, sung, or played). [3 definitions]
afoot in preparation; imminent. [1/2 definitions]
antiperspirant a preparation used to decrease perspiration, esp. in the underarms.
application the act of laying on a substance or preparation, or the substance or preparation itself. [1/6 definitions]
armed to the teeth carrying numerous weapons in preparation for attack or defense.
backswing in sports, the first part of the swing of a bat, club, racket, or the like, in which it is swung toward the player's back in preparation for the forward swing.
bubble bath a bath with an added liquid, crystal, or powder preparation that creates thick suds and perfumes and softens the water. [2 definitions]
butcher to kill or dress in preparation for sale or use as meat. [1/6 definitions]
chili a seasoning or other preparation made from this dried pod. [1/3 definitions]
chopping block a thick block of wood on which food is chopped and cut in preparation. [1/2 definitions]
cold turkey without preparation. [1/3 definitions]
cook to subject (food) to a heating process in preparation for eating. [1/7 definitions]
corpus luteum a pharmaceutical preparation made from this gland of a hog or cow, with progesterone as the active ingredient. [1/2 definitions]
cosmetic a preparation used on the face or body to make the person wearing it look more attractive. Lipstick, nail polish, and powder are cosmetics.
countdown the act or procedure of counting in reverse in preparation for some event, such as the firing of a rocket, to occur at "zero". [1/2 definitions]
dentifrice a preparation used to clean the teeth; toothpaste.
deodorant a preparation for preventing or concealing unwanted odors. [1/2 definitions]
deployment an act of deploying, esp. the placement of military forces in preparation for combat.
desktop of or relating to the computer-generated design, writing, editing, and preparation of written material for printing. [1/4 definitions]
desktop publishing the creation and preparation of text and graphics for publishing using small computers.