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day-to-day providing only for the present day's needs or desires. [1/2 definitions]
debt a condition of owing, esp. more than one can repay at the present time. [1/3 definitions]
debut to present in public for the first time. [1/5 definitions]
delta wave a low-frequency electric brain wave present during deep sleep in normal adults; delta rhythm.
departed no longer present; gone; past; dead. [1/2 definitions]
discount to find the present value of (a sum to be paid or collected in the future). [1/12 definitions]
disguise to cover or conceal, in order to present a false appearance or impression. [1/5 definitions]
does third person sing. present tense of do1.
dormant latent or not apparent but nonetheless present. [1/5 definitions]
E. coli a species of bacteria, present in the intestines of all vertebrates, that is widely used in biological research.
endeth (archaic) third-person singular indicative form of the verb "end" in the present tense.
-es1 used to form the third person sing. present tense of verbs that end in "s," "z," "ch," "sh," "x," or "y" that changes to "i".
exhibit to expose for viewing or inspection; present; show. [1/8 definitions]
existent occurring in the present. [1/3 definitions]
expose to present or display. [1/7 definitions]
feature to present as something especially interesting, appealing, or important. [2/9 definitions]
file1 to present, send, or submit. [1/7 definitions]
from now on from the present moment and forever into the future.
futurity the condition or quality of being or coming after the present time. [1/6 definitions]
GI a present or former member of the U.S. military, usu. an enlisted soldier. [1/4 definitions]
gift something given freely; present. [1/3 definitions]