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knead to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling, esp. with the hands. [2 definitions]
linoleum a durable floor covering made by pressing linseed oil, powdered cork, and rosin onto a canvas or burlap backing.
palpate to examine (an internal organ or an external part of the body) for medical reasons by touching or pressing.
pinch to cause pain or discomfort, esp. by restriction or forceful pressing. [1/11 definitions]
presser someone in the occupation of cleaning and pressing clothing. [1/2 definitions]
punch in to record the time of arrival for work, esp. by pressing a card into a device called a time clock.
punch out to record the time of ending work, esp. by pressing a card into a device called a time clock.
ream2 to clear out or force out by pressing, gouging, or ramming into or through. [1/2 definitions]
rough-dry to dry (laundry) without pressing or smoothing out. [1/2 definitions]
rubber stamp a hand-held device with a flat rubber surface into which lettering or a design has been pressed, used by inking the rubber surface and pressing it on a piece of paper or the like to transfer the lettering or design. [1/2 definitions]
steel guitar a type of electric guitar with raised metal strings that is played by plucking while pressing a steel bar against the strings.
stop in music, any device or movement, such as a flute hole or a pressing down of a violin string, that causes an instrument to produce a particular note. [1/18 definitions]
stub to extinguish (a cigar or cigarette) by pressing the end against something (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/6 definitions]
transfer to copy (a design, illustration, or the like) from one surface to another by pressing the surfaces together. [1/10 definitions]
urgency the state of being urgent; pressing necessity or importance. [1/2 definitions]
urgent requiring immediate action or attention; pressing. [1/3 definitions]
valet designating personal services such as pressing one's clothes or parking one's car. [1/5 definitions]
Ziploc trademark for a type of clear plastic storage bag that is sealed by pressing together special strips along the top edges.
ziplock of or denoting a plastic storage bag sealed by pressing together the top edges, such as those with the trademark Ziploc.