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barograph a barometer that automatically records the atmospheric pressure.
barometer a meteorological instrument that measures atmospheric pressure, esp. used to predict weather changes. [1/2 definitions]
barometric pressure the pressure of the earth's atmosphere, as measured by a barometer; atmospheric pressure.
baroreceptor a nerve ending sensitive to blood pressure that helps regulate the dilation of blood vessels in the circulatory system.
baroscope an instrument that indicates changes in atmospheric pressure.
batter1 to wear down by constant pressure or use. [1/3 definitions]
bedsore a skin sore caused by the prolonged pressure of bedding, as in a long illness.
Bernoulli effect the decrease in a fluid's pressure as its speed increases.
blood pressure the pressure of the blood against the inner wall of blood vessels, esp. the arteries or the heart, as exerted by the contractions of the heart muscles, often measured as an indicator of physical health.
blowout the sudden bursting of a vessel containing air or liquid under pressure, esp. an automobile tire. [1/2 definitions]
boiling point the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals atmospheric pressure and the liquid boils. [1/2 definitions]
bomb a portable container which ejects gas, foam, or poison by way of its own internal pressure. [1/8 definitions]
bombogenesis rapid intensification of a large storm due to a steep drop in barometric pressure.
breaking point the point at which any material breaks or separates under pressure or tension. [1/3 definitions]
bulge a rounded or swollen protrusion caused by pressure from below or within. [1/4 definitions]
burst to break, open up, or explode suddenly, usu. because of internal pressure. [1/8 definitions]
carpal tunnel syndrome a pathological condition of pressure on the median nerve of the wrist and hand, usu. resulting in pain, numbness, and muscular weakening.
clamp to grip (something) very tightly or hold (two or more things) together with strong pressure. [1/4 definitions]
coaster brake a brake on freewheeling bicycles operated by reverse pressure on the pedals.
coerce to persuade or pressure (a person) to do something by using threats, intimidation, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
compel to force or drive to some action or attitude; pressure. [1/3 definitions]