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dike a dam or high wall built to prevent flooding. [1/2 definitions]
disappoint to prevent the fulfillment of (desires, plans, expectations, or the like); thwart; frustrate. [1/2 definitions]
discourage to try to prevent or persuade not to do. [1/2 definitions]
disguise to change or hide the looks of in order to prevent recognition. [1/4 definitions]
disinfect to cleanse in order to prevent or remove the causes of infection.
doorstop any of various devices, such as a weighted object, a wedge, or a rubber-tipped projection, used to control the position or movement of a door, as to prop it open at a certain width or prevent it from hitting an adjacent wall.
dry farming a kind of farming practiced in arid regions without irrigation by growing drought-resistant crops or covering them with mulch or other substances to prevent the soil's moisture from evaporating.
duster a lightweight outer garment, designed to prevent clothes from becoming dirty. [1/4 definitions]
ergosterol a sterol derived from yeast which produces vitamin D2, used to prevent or cure certain diseases such as rickets.
estop in law, to hinder or prevent (someone) from asserting a claim or fact that is inconsistent with a previous assertion of fact.
euchre in euchre, to prevent the trump declarer from gaining three tricks. [1/3 definitions]
exclude to prevent from enjoying ordinary rights or privileges; bar. [1/2 definitions]
fast-talk to influence or persuade by speaking cleverly or deceptively, esp. so as to prevent objections or clear thinking.
FDIC abbreviation of "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation," a U.S. governmental agency that insures deposits in member commercial banks up to a certain amount to protect the public against a bank's failure, and can act to prevent a bank's failure.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation a U.S. governmental agency that insures deposits in member commercial banks up to a certain amount to protect the public against a bank's failure, and can act to prevent a bank's failure. (abbr.: FDIC)
fence a structure made of stone, wire, wood, or other material, that serves to define boundaries of property or to prevent entry into or escape from the area it surrounds. [1/5 definitions]
fender an object of rubber, fiber, wood, or other material hung from the side of a vessel to prevent contact between the side and other surfaces. [1/5 definitions]
ferrule a metal ring, cap, or sleeve put around the end of a pole, shaft, handle, or the like to reinforce, prevent splitting, or provide a strong connection. [1/3 definitions]
fiddle a guardrail on a ship's table, to prevent objects from falling off because of the ship's motion. [1/7 definitions]
fire brigade (chiefly British) an organization that works to prevent and put out fires; fire department.
fire department a part of a city or town government that works to prevent and put out fires, or the people who work for it.