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father a priest. [1/10 definitions]
father confessor a priest who hears confessions, esp. in the Roman Catholic Church. [1/2 definitions]
haruspex a minor priest and soothsayer in ancient Rome who foretold the future by inspecting the vital organs of sacrificial animals.
hierarch one who holds a position of authority in a hierarchy, esp. an ecclesiastical one; high priest.
high priestess a woman who functions as a high priest.
holy water in the Roman Catholic Church, water blessed by a priest and used for certain religious purposes.
lama a priest of the form of Buddhism practiced in Tibet and Mongolia.
last rites sacraments administered by a priest to a person near death; extreme unction. [1/2 definitions]
Low Mass a mass that is recited, rather than sung, by one priest assisted by one acolyte.
major order the rank of deacon, priest, or bishop, as in the Roman Catholic or Episcopal churches.
man of God a priest, minister, or rabbi; clergyman. [1/2 definitions]
neophyte a novice or newly ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church. [1/3 definitions]
officiate to function as a priest or minister in a religious ceremony. [1/3 definitions]
oracle in ancient Greece, a shrine, priest, or priestess dedicated to a god and often consulted for prophecies or advice. [1/3 definitions]
ordain to proclaim or authorize (a person) to be a Christian priest or minister, or a rabbi, esp. by a formal ceremony. [1/4 definitions]
Óscar Romero El Salvadoran Roman Catholic priest who was assassinated in retaliation for his social and political activity; born Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez (b.1917--d.1980).
padre father (a form of address used for a priest in Spanish-speaking countries).
pastor a minister or priest in charge of a church or congregation.
Pauli Murray American civil rights and women's rights activist, lawyer, author, and Episcopal priest (b.1910--d.1985).
pope a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church. [1/3 definitions]
presbyter an elder who served as teacher, priest, and administrator in the early Christian church. [2/3 definitions]