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Gothic (l.c.) a type of printing or calligraphy characterized by its heavy, ornate style. [1/7 definitions]
-graphic of or relating to (such) a method of recording, printing, or transmitting. [1/2 definitions]
graphic of or related to pictorial or typographical representations such as photography, painting, and printing. [1/7 definitions]
gravure a method of photomechanical printing by engraved plates. [2 definitions]
halftone a technique for printing shading in which an image, such as a photograph or cartoon, is transformed into a complex of tiny dots by photographing it through a fine screen and transferring this dot image to the printing plate. [1/4 definitions]
header in word processing or printing, information that is repeated at the top of a sequence of pages. (Cf. footer.) [1/5 definitions]
headpiece in printing, a decoration, as at the beginning of a chapter. [1/3 definitions]
imprint a mark or figure made by pressing or printing on a surface. [1/5 definitions]
incunabulum a book produced before the first days of printing with movable type, around 150l. [1/2 definitions]
ink a fluid or paste, usu. in a visible color, that is used in writing or printing. [1/4 definitions]
inkjet designating a printing system in which electrostatically charged drops of ink are guided by a computer program to form printed characters or images.
italic of, designating, or pertaining to a style of printing type in which the letters slant to the right, used for emphasis or for foreign words. [1/4 definitions]
Johann Gutenberg a German printer considered to be the inventor of the system of printing with movable type (b.1400?--d.1468?).
kern in hot-metal printing, the portion of a letter, such as the tail of an italic, that projects beyond the edge of the piece of type containing it and rests on a neighboring piece. [1/2 definitions]
lettering the process, act, or art of forming letters by printing or writing. [1/2 definitions]
letterpress a method of printing characters from raised type as opposed to flat or intaglio plates or blocks. [1/2 definitions]
ligature in printing, two letters joined in one type. [1/4 definitions]
lightface in printing, a typeface of thin strokes. (Cf. boldface.)
lithography the art or process of printing using a smooth stone or metal plate treated so that only the areas meant to print will absorb and transfer ink.
lower case in printing, the tray containing the type for the smaller, noncapital letters. (Cf. upper case.)
majuscule of writing or printing, done in such letters. [1/3 definitions]