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capital1 money or other wealth used to produce further wealth, as by investment. [1/10 definitions]
carbohydrate foods, such as breads, potatoes, and grains, that contain high amounts of carbohydrates, which are compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that are formed by plants and used in the human body to easily produce and store energy. [1/2 definitions]
cardamom either of the plants that produce this seed. [1/2 definitions]
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance. [1/4 definitions]
carry one's weight to work and produce results as well as everyone else; contribute one's fair share to some effort.
cashew a tropical American evergreen tree whose bark is used to produce a medicinal gum. [1/2 definitions]
celesta a small keyboard instrument fitted with a set of graduated metal plates that produce bell-like sounds when struck with hammers.
chime (usu. pl.) a set of tuned bells or other resonating objects that produce musical tones when struck. [2/8 definitions]
churn to produce (butter) by beating or agitating milk or cream. [2/6 definitions]
churn out to produce or manufacture rapidly or in large quantity.
clamor to produce a clamor or uproar. [1/6 definitions]
clangor to produce a clangor. [1/3 definitions]
clone to produce (duplicate organisms) by asexual reproduction. [1/5 definitions]
colza any of several plants, esp. rape, whose seeds produce oil used in salad dressings and lubricants. [1/2 definitions]
come up with to search one's memory or use one's imagination to produce a word, name, idea, or the like. [2 definitions]
compact1 to produce by joining or packing closely together; compose. [1/9 definitions]
complementary colors two colors of the spectrum, such as green and red, that produce a white or near-white when mixed in the right proportion.
compound1 to produce by combining. [1/12 definitions]
concurrence acting together to produce a joint effect or result; cooperation. [1/4 definitions]
conducive tending to produce or cause (usu. fol. by "to").
conjure to do or produce by or as if by magic or sleight of hand. [1/4 definitions]