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bushel1 a unit of weight equal to a bushel of a given product. [1/5 definitions]
by-product a product or result that is a secondary consequence of some process or action.
callback the recall of a defective or unsafe product. [1/3 definitions]
carbon footprint the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by a single person, organization, product, or process.
carpentry the work or product of a carpenter.
carton a box made of thick paper, sometimes coated, or of plastic, made to hold one particular type of product. [1/2 definitions]
carving the act or product of carving in wood, stone, or the like.
case2 a box and its contents, esp. a commercial product. [1/5 definitions]
chain reaction in chemistry, a series of reactions in which a product of one reaction becomes a reactant in the next. [1/3 definitions]
chemical-free of or pertaining to a product that does not contain artificial chemicals or is produced without the use of artificial chemicals.
chewing gum a soft and sticky product used for prolonged chewing, usu. made of chicle that has been sweetened and flavored.
child one who is considered to be the natural product of particular times or circumstances. [1/5 definitions]
chyme the semifluid thick mass that is the product of the partial digestion of food in the stomach and that passes into the small intestine.
class action a lawsuit brought on behalf of all persons sharing grounds for legal action, such as all consumers allegedly harmed by a particular product.
clinker2 (informal) a total failure; unsatisfactory product. [1/2 definitions]
commodity a product, as opposed to a service, that can be bought and sold, esp. an agricultural or mining product. [1/2 definitions]
comprehension the act, process, or product of comprehending; understanding. [1/3 definitions]
concurrence the act or product of concurring; agreement. [1/4 definitions]
covariance in statistics, a measure of how two variables are related, equal to the product of the deviation of each variable from its mean. In positive covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and air conditioner use) are directly related and follow the same trend. In negative covariance, the two variables (such as temperature and heater use) are inversely related and follow opposite trends.
creatinine a waste product produced in muscle from the breakdown of creatine. Elevated levels in blood indicate impaired kidney function.
creation the product of such an act of creation. [1/3 definitions]