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conference an organized meeting of persons with common interests, esp. professional interests, for the purpose of sharing information and opinions. [1/3 definitions]
consultant one who offers advice or expertise to others on a professional basis. [1/2 definitions]
consulting offering professional advice or expertise.
counseling help or guidance from a mental health professional or member of the clergy that is aimed at solving emotional problems or at resolving or preventing conflicts between people in a close relationship.
curriculum vitae a brief summary of one's professional history and qualifications, submitted with a job application; vita; résumé.
dental hygiene the care and cleaning of teeth, esp. by professional dental hygienists. [1/2 definitions]
detective story a fictional account of how a crime, usu. a murder, is solved by an amateur or professional detective.
draft the process of selecting athletes for certain professional sports teams. [2/18 definitions]
fanzine (informal) a magazine, usu. not of professional quality, put together for a specific population, as for fans with a common interest.
field an area of professional activity or interest. [1/11 definitions]
five-star having a rating of five stars out of five, conventionally the highest rating a hotel, restaurant, or the like receives from professional critics.
folk music similar music that is written and performed by professional musicians. [1/2 definitions]
folk song a similar song that is written and performed by professional musicians. [1/2 definitions]
free agent a professional athlete, such as a baseball player, who is free to contract to play for any team.
grand slam the winning of all major sporting contests in a particular sport, esp. a professional one such as golf, in one season. [1/4 definitions]
gunman a person armed with a gun or skilled in the use of guns, esp. a professional killer.
hack2 one who surrenders professional or artistic integrity or commitment in return for monetary reward. [1/10 definitions]
haute cuisine (French) the preparation of food by elaborate, highly refined methods, esp. by skilled professional chefs.
Herr a German title of respect for men, preceding family names and professional titles, and corresponding to English "Mr." or "Sir".
honorarium a payment or other reward made to a professional person in recognition of services for which, by tradition, there is no set fee.
hyphenate a person who functions in two or more professional capacities. [1/2 definitions]