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profit to derive benefit or profit. [2/5 definitions]
profitless combined form of profit.
prospect (usu. pl.) probability of success or profit. [1/5 definitions]
realize to obtain (income or profit). [1/3 definitions]
return to yield (a profit) from investment or expenditure. [2/23 definitions]
seal2 to hunt or capture seals for sport, food, or profit. [1/4 definitions]
Shylock (often l.c.) a hard-hearted banker or lender who is concerned only with profit. [1/2 definitions]
speculation a risky business venture or investment that offers the possibility of high profit. [1/4 definitions]
superprofit combined form of profit.
surplus value in Marxist theory, the difference between the value of the products of a worker's labor and the wage he or she receives, which constitutes the profit made by a capitalist owner of land, a factory, or the like.
take advantage to profit from something or make use of something (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/2 definitions]
toady someone who fawns over or flatters others for personal advantage or profit; sycophant. [1/2 definitions]
turnaround a reversal or turning to an opposite direction, opinion, condition of profit or loss, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
unprofitable not resulting in any advantage, gain, or profit.
wheeler-dealer (informal) one who aggressively, inventively, and sometimes dishonestly pursues profit or advantage; sharp operator.