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interference the act or repeated actions of disrupting or making progress difficult. [1/4 definitions]
keep track to carefully record the movements or progress of something (usu. fol. by "of").
make a dent in to make progress, esp. by lessening a burden. [1/2 definitions]
march to progress steadily. [2/11 definitions]
monitor to observe in order to check the quality, correctness, progress, or safety of. [1/11 definitions]
nationalism concern for or devotion to one's own nation, esp. desire for national progress, defense, or independence. [1/2 definitions]
obstacle that which impedes or prevents forward movement or progress; obstruction.
obstruct to interrupt, delay, or hinder the passage or progress of. [1/3 definitions]
pedal point a single continuous musical tone, usu. in the bass, that is sustained while the other parts progress through harmonic changes.
play out to develop and progress to conclusion; proceed. [1/3 definitions]
press1 to move forward; continue to advance or progress (often fol. by "on" or "forward"). [1/16 definitions]
press on to persist in moving forward or trying to make progress.
progressive favoring social or political progress or reform; liberal. [2/8 definitions]
rebuff the act or an instance of blocking or setting back an attempt or progress. [1/3 definitions]
remission the condition or process of lessening or abating, as of the symptoms or progress of a disease. [1/4 definitions]
report card a written report of the progress of a school student, usu. sent to the student's guardian or parent.
restrain to limit or obstruct the activity, growth, or progress of. [1/3 definitions]
retard slowness or limitation in growth or progress; delay. [1/3 definitions]
reversal an incident or event that causes progress to stop or losses to occur; setback. [1/3 definitions]
rotate to progress according to a cycle of succeeding events; alternate. [1/5 definitions]
scale3 to climb, progress, or ascend, esp. in stages. [1/10 definitions]