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environmental of or pertaining to the natural environment, and esp. to the ecological effects of altering it or attempts made to protect it. [1/3 definitions]
environmentalism the movement to protect or restore the natural environment, or the advocacy for major efforts to be made to achieve this goal.
environmentalist someone who works to protect the natural environment.
escort a group of people who travel with someone to protect or to show respect to that person. [1/2 definitions]
FDIC abbreviation of "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation," a U.S. governmental agency that insures deposits in member commercial banks up to a certain amount to protect the public against a bank's failure, and can act to prevent a bank's failure.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation a U.S. governmental agency that insures deposits in member commercial banks up to a certain amount to protect the public against a bank's failure, and can act to prevent a bank's failure. (abbr.: FDIC)
finish a substance used to refine, polish, or protect a surface. [1/11 definitions]
fixative something that functions to make stable or permanent, esp. a spray used to protect art works or a solution to preserve biological material for examination. [1/2 definitions]
fuse2 an electrical device with a connection that melts if there is too much heat. Fuses protect buildings by breaking a circuit before a fire can start. [1/4 definitions]
gamekeeper a person employed to breed and protect game birds and other wildlife on private grounds or on a game preserve.
gas mask a mask worn on the face to protect from dangerous gases or fumes.
goaltender on a team, a defensive position assigned to protect the goal, esp. in soccer, hockey, or lacrosse.
goggle one of a pair of protective lenses with a shielding framework, worn to protect the eyes from debris, strong wind, harsh light, chlorinated water, and the like. [1/6 definitions]
goggles a special type of glasses that you wear over your eyes to protect them.
go green of a company or institution, to begin to operate in a way that helps to protect the environment.
gorget a piece of armor used to protect the throat. [1/4 definitions]
groin a small wharf or jetty constructed to protect the shoreline from erosion. [1/4 definitions]
guard to protect or pay close attention to something in order to keep it safe. [2 definitions]
guild a group of people in the Middle Ages in Europe who were in the same trade and who joined together to protect their common interests. Guilds were concerned with the prices and quality of their products. [1/2 definitions]
Hanseatic League a medieval association of northern European free towns, formed to promote and protect merchants' interests.
hedge to protect (risks) against failure by acting ahead of time to compensate for or limit possible loss. [1/5 definitions]