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polysome a cluster of ribosomes along a heavily translated sequence of messenger RNA making protein in a cell; polyribosome.
prion any infectious agent composed of misfolded protein, such as the misfolded protein that causes "mad cow disease."
protease any enzyme that stimulates the digestion of protein.
proteinuria the presence of excess protein in the urine.
prothrombin a protein in blood plasma that combines with calcium during clotting to form thrombin.
ptomaine any of a variety of basic nitrogenous substances, some poisonous, that are produced by the decay of protein.
receptor in biochemistry, a protein that receives a chemical signal sent from another cell, and elicits a cellular response. [1/2 definitions]
rhodopsin the red, light-sensitive protein pigment that is present in the retina of the eye and provides vision in dim light.
ribosome any of various small particles in the cytoplasm of a cell that contain RNA and are active in protein synthesis.
RNA any of several single-stranded nucleic acids containing the sugar ribose that occur in the cytoplasm of all living cells and are essential in protein synthesis; ribonucleic acid.
serum albumin the main protein found in blood plasma, serving to regulate osmotic pressure. [2 definitions]
serum globulin a protein component of blood serum chiefly containing antibodies.
soybean the nutritious, protein-rich seed of this plant. [1/2 definitions]
tempeh an Indonesian food that is high in protein, made of fermented soybeans.
tofu a food product that is made from curdled soybean milk, has a bland flavor and the texture of a soft cheese, and is high in protein content; bean curd.
triticale a high-protein grain formed by crossing wheat and rye.
yolk the yellow nutritive substance in an egg, consisting of protein and fat, that is involved directly in the formation of the embryo.
zymogen an inactive protein that has the potential to become an enzyme because of an internal change.