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rant a very loud or vehement act of speaking, esp. in protest or complaint. [1/3 definitions]
reggae a music influenced by blues, calypso, and rock-'n'-roll that originated in Jamaica, has a simple, strong, syncopated beat, and often has lyrics of social protest.
remonstrance an expression of protest or objection. [1/2 definitions]
remonstrant characterized by protest or strong objection; expostulatory. [1/2 definitions]
remonstrate to say in opposition, protest, or objection. [2 definitions]
self-immolation the act of setting oneself on fire as a form of protest or sacrifice.
slowdown a reduction in speed or production, esp. by workers as a form of protest.
squawk (informal) to complain or protest loudly. [2/5 definitions]
strike a protest against something. [1/31 definitions]
teach-in a period of uninterrupted lectures, speeches, and the like, conducted at a college or university by faculty members and others, often as a protest.
Velvet Revolution the Czechoslovakian revolution (1989), in which a country-wide peace protest and work strike moved the Communist government to relinquish power, resulting in the establishment of two separate, self-governing republics (1993).
vociferous crying out, esp. in protest; vocal; clamorous. [1/2 definitions]
walkout the act of leaving a meeting or the like as a demonstration of protest. [1/2 definitions]
walk out to leave suddenly, esp. as an indication of anger or protest. [1/4 definitions]
whimper to complain or protest feebly. [1/5 definitions]
whine to complain or protest in a peevish, irritating manner. [1/6 definitions]