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pasteboard a stiff, thin material made of layers of paper pasted together, or of paper or wood pulp pressed together and solidified with paste; paperboard.
persimmon a juicy, orange or reddish fruit, larger than but similar to a plum in texture of skin and pulp, or any of the mostly tropical trees that bear this fruit.
pomace the pulp or crushed refuse left after juice or oil has been extracted from fruits, seeds, nuts, or the like.
pomegranate a reddish fruit with a tough rind, many seeds, and a juicy, edible, mildly acidic pulp. [1/2 definitions]
poplar the soft wood of such a tree, used for pulp. [1/3 definitions]
pulp to extract the pulp from. [2/8 definitions]
pulpwood soft timber, such as spruce or pine, that is used to make pulp for paper.
pulpy of or like pulp; soft or mushy.
rayon a thread made by converting a solution of a natural pulp, usu. cellulose, into filament by extruding through spinnerets. [1/2 definitions]
root canal the pulp-filled tubular channel in the root of a tooth. [1/2 definitions]
squash1 to press, beat, or crush into a pulp or flat mass. [2/8 definitions]
strawboard a coarse cardboard made of straw pulp, used in making boxes and for packing.
tangerine a citrus tree bearing a type of mandarin orange that has a loose, reddish orange skin, a slightly flattened shape, and sweet, juicy, easily separated sections of pulp. [1/3 definitions]
watermelon a large sweet fruit, round or oblong in shape, with a hard greenish rind and usu. red or pink watery pulp. [1/2 definitions]
wood pulp wood converted to pulp by physical or chemical means, used esp. in the making of paper.