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implement to carry out or put into effect. [1/4 definitions]
impracticable not capable of being put into practice or carried out.
impractical not useful or wise to put into practice; not workable. [1/2 definitions]
incarnate to put into bodily, esp. human, form. [1/5 definitions]
input that which is put in, such as power or energy to a machine, or information or data to a computer. [2/6 definitions]
insert to put or cause to be put in, into, or within. [1/2 definitions]
introduce to insert or put into. [1/6 definitions]
jug to put into a jug. [1/7 definitions]
jury-rig to assemble or put into place in a makeshift way, or for temporary use, as on a vessel.
leave out to not put in or not include (something); omit.
legislate to put into law; enact. [1/3 definitions]
load the usual or customary amount carried or put into something. [1/17 definitions]
make to put in proper order or arrangement. [1/19 definitions]
marcel a once-popular hairstyle consisting of deep, even waves put into the hair with a curling iron. [1/2 definitions]
menace to put in danger of harm of injury; endanger. [1/4 definitions]
military science the study of military procedures and principles as they are put into practice during warfare.
muss to put into disorder; dishevel (often fol. by "up"). [1/2 definitions]
neaten to make neat; put in order (often fol. by "up").
nest to put into or as if into a nest. [1/11 definitions]
operable capable of being put into operation; functional. [1/2 definitions]
operationalize to put into operation; make operational.