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categorize to put into groups that have common characteristics; arrange by categories; classify. [1/2 definitions]
cemetery a place where the bodies of dead people are put in the ground.
change anything exchanged for or put in place of something else. [1/10 definitions]
clip2 a device holding several bullets that is put into a gun. [1/3 definitions]
code to put into a system of symbols for sending messages. [1/3 definitions]
collocate to place together or put in correct order; arrange.
commission to put into active service. [1/7 definitions]
commit to put into confinement, as in a mental hospital. [1/6 definitions]
computerize to put into a form that can be processed by a computer. [1/4 definitions]
condense to make shorter or put in fewer words. [1/4 definitions]
confine to shut in; put in prison. [1/3 definitions]
contextualize to put into a context, or provide a context for.
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
corner to put in an uncomfortable or difficult position. [1/5 definitions]
correction something right put in place of something wrong.
crystallize to put into a clearly defined form. [1/4 definitions]
cup to put into or as into a cup. [1/7 definitions]
deploy to put into effective or strategic use. [1/5 definitions]
deposit money that you put into your bank account. [1/3 definitions]
dip to put into a liquid for a short time. [1/2 definitions]
disadvantage to put into an unfavorable or inferior condition or circumstance. [1/3 definitions]