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comeback a quick, clever retort. [1/2 definitions]
cover crop a quick-growing crop planted to prevent soil erosion or soil depletion.
crackle to exhibit liveliness, quick-wittedness, or the like. [1/9 definitions]
cut to make a quick shift from one thing to another. [2/25 definitions]
cutback a quick shift to the reverse direction, as of a runner in football. [1/2 definitions]
database a large collection of information arranged for quick retrieval, updating, or the like, esp. such a collection in a computer.
deft capable, quick, and clever in action; skillful; dexterous.
dip a quick downward movement. [1/15 definitions]
dodge to avoid by a quick shift of position or direction. [1/6 definitions]
dollop a small amount, such as a quick splash of liquid. [1/2 definitions]
double-quick very quick. [1/4 definitions]
duck2 the act, process, or a particular instance of ducking, esp. a quick lowering into water. [1/7 definitions]
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform. [1/3 definitions]
errand a quick journey or side trip taken to fulfill a particular purpose. [1/2 definitions]
farce a comedy that depends for its humor on quick and surprising turns of events and on exaggerated characters and situations, or the type of humor characteristic of such a play. [1/2 definitions]
feisty touchy, quarrelsome, or quick-tempered. [1/2 definitions]
fiery emotionally heated or intense, or quick to anger. [1/4 definitions]
flashcard any of a set of cards bearing words, numbers, or pictures, flashed briefly before a student or class to prompt a quick response in a drill.
flirt to move in a quick or jerky manner. [2/6 definitions]
flit a quick darting movement. [1/3 definitions]
flying start a quick start or beginning, as in a race, project, or the like. [1/2 definitions]