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flying start a quick start or beginning, as in a race, project, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
foray a quick raid or sudden advance, usu. military and often to take forage or plunder. [1/3 definitions]
foxhole a shallow pit dug to provide a quick, temporary shelter from enemy fire for one or two soldiers.
glance a quick look. [1/6 definitions]
glimpse a quick look; momentary or partial view. [2/4 definitions]
half step a march step that is fifteen inches long in quick time and eighteen inches in double time. [1/2 definitions]
hasty quick to become inflamed, as one's temper. [1/3 definitions]
headlong hasty, sudden, or quick. [1/4 definitions]
heads-up displaying quick thinking or resourcefulness; alert; resourceful. [1/3 definitions]
hibernation in computing, a mode of partial deactivation for an idle computer that saves power and allows a quick restart by storing the contents of RAM in a stable location before turning the machine off. [1/3 definitions]
hitch1 to pull with a quick jerk (usu. fol. by "up"). [1/9 definitions]
hop1 to jump or leap over with a quick, springy motion. [2/7 definitions]
hotheaded easily angered; quick-tempered. [1/2 definitions]
intuition a sharp, quick insight. [1/3 definitions]
knock off to produce (something) in a quick and repetitive way. [1/6 definitions]
leap an act or instance of leaping; quick jump. [2/6 definitions]
look-in a quick glance. [1/2 definitions]
march (informal) to move or get moving in a quick, soldierly manner. [1/11 definitions]
moo shu pork a Chinese dish of thin strips of pork with eggs and vegetables, quick-fried and usu. prepared in a crêpe with a kind of soy sauce.
nimble quick and agile in movement. [2 definitions]
nitrogen nitrogen chilled below -196 degrees Celsius so that it is a liquid, used as a refrigerant and quick-freezing agent. [1/3 definitions]