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Dictionary Suite
blooper esp. in radio and television, an embarrassing or amusing error in speech or action. [1/2 definitions]
boom box a portable stereo radio with built-in speakers, a carrying handle, and usu. a cassette or CD player, capable of producing loud sound.
booster a device for amplifying radio frequency. [1/4 definitions]
broadband pertaining to, emitting, or responsive to a wide range of radio frequencies. [1/2 definitions]
broadcast to transmit over television or radio. [6/9 definitions]
cabinet furniture used to contain a television set or radio. [1/6 definitions]
call-in a telephone conversation between a listener or viewer and a radio or television host, which is broadcast on the host's show. [2 definitions]
call letters the identifying letters or numbers of a television or radio station.
carry to make (news, a program, or the like) available to viewers or listeners, as a newspaper or a television or radio station. [1/16 definitions]
cell phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cell phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cellular phone.
cellular phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cellular phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cell phone; mobile phone.
Clio any of several awards presented annually for achievements in advertising in television and radio. [1/2 definitions]
clock radio a radio with a built-in clock that can be set to turn the radio on at a given time.
commentator one who provides a commentary, esp. one who reports news along with background information or interpretation in a radio or television broadcast.
commercial an advertisement broadcast on television or radio. [1/4 definitions]
communication (pl.) means of transferring messages, such as telephone, telegraph, television, radio, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
control tower a tower at an airport from which air traffic is directed by radio.
converter an electronic device that changes or adds frequencies of a television or radio signal. [1/5 definitions]
cordless phone a telephone that consists of a battery-operated handset that communicates across short distances via radio waves to an electrically-powered unit that must be connected to a telephone line in order to function.
cosmic noise interference from radio waves beyond the earth; galactic noise.
cross talk interference, as on a telephone, radio, or other electronic receiver, by other sound or radio signals from another channel. [1/2 definitions]