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Dictionary Suite
cross talk interference, as on a telephone, radio, or other electronic receiver, by other sound or radio signals from another channel. [1/2 definitions]
crystal detector a simple radio receiver made of a semiconducting crystal touched by a fine wire.
crystal set an early form of radio receiver that used a crystal detector.
deejay one who plays recorded music and provides commentary over the radio or at an event or venue; disc jockey; DJ.
dial the mechanism of a television or radio for tuning to different channels or wavelengths. [1/8 definitions]
dipole antenna a radio or television antenna consisting of two equal rods that extend outward in opposite directions.
directional sending or receiving radio signals in one or more specific directions. [1/3 definitions]
direction finder a device for ascertaining the direction of incoming radio waves or signals, consisting of a loop antenna that rotates.
disc jockey one who plays recorded music and provides commentary over the radio or at an event or venue.
dish antenna a radio antenna with a round, concave reflector, used to receive or send satellite and microwave signals.
DJ one who plays recorded music and provides commentary over the radio or at an event or venue; disc jockey. [2/3 definitions]
drone1 an aircraft or other similar unmanned device, whose movements are controlled at a distance, as by radio, often used for purposes such as aerial photography, delivery of supplies or necessities, fire fighting, and military attack from the air. [1/3 definitions]
earphone the part of a telephone, radio set, music player or the like that fits over or into the ear for receiving sound.
E layer a thick layer of ions located at a height of about sixty to ninety miles in the E region of the earth's outer atmosphere and having the ability to deflect radio waves.
electromagnetic spectrum the entire range of electromagnetic frequencies from radio, the lowest, to gamma rays, the highest.
electromagnetic wave a wave that contains a magnetic and electric component and that is created by an accelerating electric charge, such as a radio wave, x-ray, or light.
FCC abbreviation of "Federal Communications Commission," a U.S. agency whose duty is to regulate the various communications industries including telephone, radio and television, and satellites.
Federal Communications Commission a U.S. agency whose duty is to regulate the various communications industries including telephone, radio and television, and satellites.
flight control the guidance and direction given to an aircraft by radio from a ground facility.
FM a system of varying a radio signal's frequency so as to impose the signal on a carrier wave; frequency modulation. [1/2 definitions]
galactic noise radio waves originating from within the Milky Way.