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deltoid a thick, triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint and functions to raise the arm laterally. [1/3 definitions]
devil's advocate an official of the Roman Catholic Church whose duty is to raise objections to a proposed beatification or canonization. [1/2 definitions]
drive an organized effort to reach a goal, esp. to raise money. [1/18 definitions]
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position. [2/4 definitions]
elevator a machine which raises or lifts, esp. a platform or enclosure in a vertical shaft, with its equipment and parts, used to raise and lower people or goods from one level to another in a building. [1/3 definitions]
emboss to raise or represent in relief (a surface design). [1/2 definitions]
erect to raise into a vertical or upright position. [1/7 definitions]
exalt to raise in rank, power, dignity, or the like; elevate. [1/2 definitions]
excite in physics, to raise (an atom, particle, or molecule) to a state of higher energy. [1/5 definitions]
farm a tract of land or quantity of water used to raise crops or animals. [3/5 definitions]
foot-pound a unit of energy equal to the amount necessary to raise a weight of one pound to a height of one foot.
force pump a pump with a valveless plunger, used to raise the level of a liquid or convey it through a pipe by the application of pressure.
ft-lb abbreviation of "foot-pound," or "foot-pounds," a unit of energy equal to the amount necessary to raise a weight of one pound to a height of one foot.
fund-raiser a social event, such as dinner or cocktail party, whose aim is to raise money for a cause. [1/2 definitions]
harness the frame on a loom used to raise and lower the warp threads. [1/5 definitions]
heave to raise violently; displace. [1/11 definitions]
hydrofoil a winglike structure that is attached to a vessel to raise its hull above the water when the vessel is moving and thus to increase its speed. [1/2 definitions]
idealize to conceive or represent in an ideal form; raise to an ideal level; consider to be ideal. [1/2 definitions]
Indian wrestling a wrestling contest in which two people lie on their backs side by side, but facing in opposite directions, raise and lock their respective near legs, and attempt to force the opponent's leg to the ground. [1/3 definitions]
inflate to raise (the general price level), as by deliberate government action. [1/5 definitions]
jack to raise or increase (often fol. by "up"). [1/7 definitions]