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explode to release energy forcefully with noise, heat, and the violent expansion of gases, because of rapid chemical change or sudden violent impact. [1/7 definitions]
exponential very rapid in increase. [1/2 definitions]
express to send by rapid transport. [4/8 definitions]
fast1 suited to rapid movement. [1/12 definitions]
fast-paced unfolding or moving forward at a rapid pace. [2/3 definitions]
ferment a state of agitation, upset, or rapid change. [1/8 definitions]
fibrillation involuntary and uncoordinated rapid twitching of muscle fibrils, esp. in the heart muscles. [1/2 definitions]
flight1 rapid movement, as of time. [1/6 definitions]
freeze-dry to preserve (foods, blood plasma, or the like) by rapid freezing and then drying in a high vacuum at a low temperature.
gabble to make a rapid cackling or quacking noise, as geese or ducks do. [3/5 definitions]
gallop a rapid pace. [1/6 definitions]
G-force (often l.c.) a unit of inertial stress on a body that is subjected to rapid acceleration, equal to about thirty-two feet per second per second.
Gilded Age in U.S. history, the post-Civil War era, characterized by rapid industrialization, economic expansion, and widespread corruption in business and government.
glissando performed by playing or sounding a rapid succession of consecutive tones of a scale, as by sliding one or more fingers over the keys of a piano. [2/3 definitions]
gonna contraction of "going to" used in some types of writing to reflect how the two words of the expression "be going to" are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech.
growing pains pain in the joints and limbs of children, often attributed by laymen to rapid growth. [1/2 definitions]
hectic marked by excited activity or rapid, confusing movements; feverishly busy. [1/2 definitions]
hell-bent in a rashly determined or rapid manner. [1/2 definitions]
hotbed any environment that encourages the rapid growth and development of something, esp. something undesirable. [1/2 definitions]
hover to stay suspended in the air, often by rapid fluttering, spinning, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
hustle rapid, busy, or vigorous activity. [1/10 definitions]