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lutetium a metal chemical element of the rare-earth group that has seventy-one protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Lu)
monazite a yellow-brown or red-brown mineral phosphate of rare-earth metals that is a major source of thorium, cerium, and the like.
neodymium a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has sixty protons in each nucleus and that occurs most frequently as a trivalent ion in salts and minerals, used esp. in coloring high-quality optical glass. (symbol: Nd)
out-of-the-way unusual or rare. [1/3 definitions]
pegmatite a coarse, grainy granite that occurs in layers and sometimes contains rare metals such as uranium.
phenomenon an unusual or rare occurrence or fact, often one that cannot be explained; marvel. [1/3 definitions]
praseodymium a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has fifty-nine protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found together with neodymium. (symbol: Pr)
promethium a synthetic radioactive chemical element of the rare-earth metallic group that has sixty-one protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Pm)
rara avis (Latin) rare bird; a rare, special, or unique person or thing.
rare earth any oxide of a rare-earth metal. [2 definitions]
rarity something that is rare or unusual. [2/4 definitions]
recherché very unusual, rare, or refined. [1/3 definitions]
Reye's syndrome a rare, acute, often fatal disease that chiefly affects children, usu. follows a viral disease, and is characterized by fever, vomiting, enlargement of the brain and liver, and neurological disorders.
rhebok a rare, brownish gray antelope that lives on the rocky hillsides of South Africa.
samarium a rare-earth metal chemical element that has sixty-two protons in each nucleus and that forms a permanent magnet when alloyed with cobalt. (symbol: Sm)
samarskite a deep black mineral with reddish brown streaks that contains some rare-earth metals and traces of oxides of uranium, thorium, and the like.
supernova a rare and very bright object that results from the explosion of a star.
terbium a rare-earth chemical element that has sixty-five protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a soft silvery metal. (symbol: Tb)
thulium a rare-earth chemical element that has sixty-nine protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a malleable solid metal. (symbol: Tm)
uncommon unusual or rare. [1/2 definitions]
whooping crane a large North American bird, now rare, that has black and white plumage and a loud, whooping call.