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henry a unit of electrical inductance equal to the inductance of a closed circuit in which current varies at the rate of one ampere per second to produce an electromotive force of one volt.
insolation solar radiation received, or the rate of solar radiation per unit of surface or area. [1/3 definitions]
in sync occurring, moving, or working together at the same time and rate; in unison; synchronized. [1/2 definitions]
interceptor a high-speed fighter plane with a rapid climbing rate, used to defend against enemy aircraft. [1/2 definitions]
keep up to proceed at the same rate as someone or something else (often fol. by "with"). [1/7 definitions]
knockdown a decrease, as of a rate or price. [1/6 definitions]
leastwise (informal) at any rate; at least; anyway.
linage the rate of pay per line for such written material. [1/2 definitions]
loan to lend (money), usu. at a rate of interest. [1/5 definitions]
mechanical advantage the ratio of the output force exerted by a mechanism to the input force applied to it, used to rate the performance of a machine.
mileage money for travel allotted at a fixed rate per mile. [1/4 definitions]
millage the tax rate based on one tenth of a U.S. cent per dollar.
moneychanger a person whose business is exchanging currency, usu. at an official rate. [1/2 definitions]
money-changing the business or act of exchanging money, usu. the currencies of different countries, at an official rate.
money-market fund a mutual fund whose investments are of a short-term nature and consist of commercial paper or treasury bills, usu. giving a fairly high interest rate.
mortality the frequency of death in a given population as a result of a particular cause; death rate. [2/3 definitions]
natality birth rate.
night letter a telegram sent overnight, at a lower rate than usual, for delivery the next day.
out of sync not operating at the same time and rate; not happening, working, or moving together as required; not synchronized. [1/2 definitions]
overfishing fishing at a rate that prevents the natural replenishment of stock, thus endangering future harvests.
pace1 rate of activity, esp. movement. [2/12 definitions]